Friday, October 2, 2009

music music

so.. i'm in the music mindset, and after that last post, i guess i should let you in on some more of my musical lovings.

we all know that david thinks he's pretty hardcore, especially through high school, only loving bands like american nightmare and the murder city devils. now that he's really into indie-plaid, pseudo beard music, things are really changing. i actually once found a james taylor cd in his car. talk about embarrassing..

one singer song writer i've really been channeling lately is that of sasha fierce/b. I've been following her since her destiny childs day, and own every subsequent album since then.

When she went solo, i was ecstatic. the way she moves on stage, her vibrato, her OUTFITS! omg. i love her. i wish i was jay-z just so i could be around her more (sorry jenny, you had to find out sometime)

i took notice of her back in my favorite hip hopera - Carmen. I will cry without fail, every time i watch that film.

Anyways.. to all my readers - forget crappy gneaux indie like bone iver, forget even the oldschool bone thugs... the time of beyonce now reign supreme, and will as long as she lives.

Thanks to this video, I now have the choreography to Put a Ring On It, down. Come over to my house, I'll show you.


  1. I just realized I watched that entire video.

  2. mark-IE, you look great in that little costume. did it used to be a unitard?

  3. Woah.... Looks like its time for someone to change his password...

  4. i went from laughing thinking about david to . . . well, sad that you even looked or found a video with some juicy fruit looking for fame on the web! though i watched only 15 seconds i still had much the same feelings i did after i watched the fast and the furious. ashamed and this over all feeling of being less intelligent due to what i succumbed my self to. with that said i'm still coming over to see you do the moves.
    What did you think about the shirts?
